Collaborate effectively

Enabling dispersed employees to work together effectively is essential for success.

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Work together efficiently

Effective collaboration is crucial to business success. Why? Because collaboration enables the flow of information through your organisation, which increases productivity.

The office environment and working practices are constantly changing though, presenting new collaboration challenges. Walking up to someone’s desk to share something, or asking your manager to sign for approval, is not possible when working remotely, for example. With people working in different places, there is a need for more agile solutions and technology.

We can help. Regardless your size or sector, we have the right paper-based and digital solutions to allow your dispersed workforce to work together with confidence from any location.

Our solutions optimise the flow of physical and digital information in your organisation, enabling employees to work together efficiently and effectively.

Read on to find out how.

Man at personal postbox

Distribute digitally

Productivity in the agile workplace depends on all employees being able to work with all the information they need to, whenever and where ever they need to, including paper-based data.

How can you enable a dispersed workforce to work with physical documents when they are not located where it is? You can digitise and distribute it.

What happens when you don’t digitise to distribute? You incur risks:

  • If an employee cannot access a physical invoice stored elsewhere, they cannot work with it. Deadlines may be missed, and late payment charges incurred
  • Getting paper-based contracts signed by multiple stakeholders can be a cumbersome process, income may be lost as a result
  • Employees not responding promptly to customers’ paper-based mail, may result in losing customers and reputation damage.

Our document distribution solutions enable you to digitise and distribute hardcopy documents. This means that any employee can work with any document to which they have been granted access rights, no matter its original format, no matter their location.

This will massively improve the flow of information through your business, whilst improving visibility of all correspondence and associated actions.

Want to ensure your agile workforce can work collaboratively with all your data without compromising on care, compliance or confidentiality?

Woman working on laptop

Collaborate confidently

Long gone are the days of one team member working alone on a document. Today’s collaborative workplace requires you to make it safe and easy for colleagues to add, review, approve and share documents.

Real-time collaboration across dispersed teams can be challenging though. Having the confidence that collaborating with colleagues who are working remotely won’t cost them extra time, or even risk some of their hard work getting lost in the system, is key.

Can your employees trust their technology solutions?

Our solutions allow multiple people to work on editing a document at the same time. Tracking changes, leaving comments or assigning tasks to colleagues, with deadlines and descriptions of what needs to be done, could not be easier. And, that’s not all. Our version control feature prevents users from working on different versions of the same document, as every new edit is saved as a new version. Old versions remain accessible too, in case you need to revert to an earlier version, ensuring no data is lost.

Want your collaborative workforce to be confident that neither time nor information will get lost? Want colleagues to know who’s done what, when and where, no matter what?

Young woman smiling on laptop

Digital workflows

Today, we handle more information and documents than ever before. With so many files flowing through your business, keeping track of where they are in their process can be difficult.

How many hours are your employees wasting, trying to find the document they need before they can start working on it? Once they find it, do they always know their task, the deadline and who it needs to be shared with next? And as a project owner, do you always know where your document is in the process?

When teams do not have visibility of a document’s process or project workflow, it can lead to productivity losses. Our content management solutions help your employees keep track, streamline and even automate business processes by setting up digital workflows. This enables them to create, perform or delegate tasks, while the system automates many actions in the background.

We can help you to:

  • Centralise documentation, so that instead of e-mailing documents back and forth, all collaborators access up-to-date information from a central repository
  • Speed up processes, by automatically routing documents to the correct stakeholder and setting up escalation routes in case tasks aren’t completed on time
  • Inform stakeholders, by sending automatic emails for new, late and overdue tasks. These reminders will inform employees of impending due dates, so that no one ever misses a deadline again
  • Improve visibility and traceability, with workflow overviews that show the stage of the process every document is at and all the events that have happened during its lifecycle.

Want to automate workflows, optimise and control all your document processes, save valuable time and ensure nobody ever misses a deadline? With Canon you can.

Work anywhere, anytime

Find out how Canon can help your dispersed workforce work efficiently, effectively and securely from any location.

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Our services and solutions can help you to support your collaborative workforce, no matter where employees are working from, or how they are sharing information. We can help you increase connectivity, so your workforce can share information more effectively.

Call us on 0844 892 0810 or click on the link.

