Young Delegates with Canon EMEA team
A few weeks ago, a once in a decade event with an incredibly important purpose took place – the fifth United Nations Least Developed Countries conference (LDC5). It’s an event which aims to boost development in the world’s 46 least developed countries. Our team joined 5000 attendees who headed to Doha from governments, the private sector, NGOs and others, as well as thousands more who joined online.
But what is LDC5? And what did we do while we were there? There are 46 ‘Least Developed Countries’, which are suffering from conflict, economic disruption, barriers to technology and the devastating effects of the pandemic. This conference sets out development plans to help these countries reach their full potential. The LDCs are populated by approximately 900 million people, which gives you some understanding of how important it is for their communities and economies to thrive. 287 million of these are children. So, what happens at LDC5 is important for the future of their generation and those after.
Our presence at this landmark event came about through our collaborations with the United Nations Development Programme at Expo 2020 Dubai and the UN Festival of Action. This time we had a unique opportunity to present world-class storytelling to the United Nations international audience. Together we were able to support young people from the LDCs to tell and share their stories
The United Nations invited a group of young people (‘young delegates’) from across the LDCs to speak on behalf of children and young people. But that wasn’t the only way they delivered their messages of positivity and hope for a better future to everyone at the conference. Last year, we sent cameras to thirty of these young delegates, so they could photograph community life in their countries, and the photos they took were the absolute embodiment of optimism and aspiration.